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Fourfields Community Primary



Curriculum Overviews

Please click on the descriptions for more information.

EYFS Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Curriculum Progression By Subject

Please click on the links below for more curriculum information for each subject.





Design & Technology



Physical Education (PE)



Collective Worship


Modern Foreign Languages (MFL)


Forest School

Please click HERE to view our Forest School Page

General Curriculum Information

The National Curriculum provides the core of the teaching and learning experiences in our school. From September 2014 the National Curriculum was updated and a guide to the revised curriculum can be found HERE.

Our class teachers use a balance of whole school, groups and individual teaching. The particular method they employ will depend on which they judge fits the purpose of the lesson, the nature of the task or the abilities of the children.

Assembly takes place on a daily basis in a variety of forms. The assemblies follow a theme and may supplement the PSHE Curriculum. Parents are entitled to withdraw children from assembly if they wish. This request should be made in writing to the Head teacher.

Parents of children in the Foundation Stage, Year 1 and Year 2 are also invited to attend a Reading Morning once a week - details of the morning for your child's year group will be shared by the class teacher.

Visits are organised from time to time to promote children's learning through first hand experiences. These support the school's curriculum and can be in the form of extended residential trips, day trips, visitors to school and themed days. School will try and provide as much notice as possible to allow parents to assist the school in meeting these costs. We also use local community contacts which may include visits to the local library, estate agents, superstores, fire stations and churches.

After school / lunchtime clubs are organised on a termly basis. These clubs enable children to pursue their interests out of school hours. The variety of clubs is very much dependent upon the voluntary efforts and interests of the staff.  We warmly welcome parents/grandparents who might be able to help run clubs. Please click HERE for details of the current term's clubs.

If you have any questions, or require more information on the curriculum, please email us at help@fourfields.cambs.sch.uk


The Fourfields curriculum includes learning about many contemporary issues, not least climate change and the impact on the environment. So important are these issues today and in our children’s future that they form a cornerstone of learning in science and other curriculum areas. We believe that the teaching of them in a balanced and informed way can help to: develop a keen interest in them among our children; strengthen their rounded understanding of issues of which they may have only an incomplete picture; and prepare them for an adult future in which these issues are even more prevalent than they are currently.

Plants and animals units in our science curriculum, for example, include learning about the extinction of plant and animal species (in Year Three) and about the impact on certain species of climate change (Year Four). In Year Five, the focus turns to the impact of climate change and global warming on life cycles and species deletion; and in Year Six a key element is discussing “human activity – such as climate change caused by pollution – and how it can change the environment for many living things, endangering their existence”.

Our geography curriculum includes two term-long units that consider environmental issues: “How can we care for our planet?” in Year Three, and “How can we create a more sustainable world?” in Year Four.

Caring for the environment is a strand that runs throughout our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) programme. It begins with our Foundation Stage children considering how to look after their local neighbourhood and ends in Years Five and Six with work about the role of voluntary organisations and about groups that campaign on environmental issues.

At a very local level, representatives of each Key Stage 2 class meet fortnightly as part of an Eco Action Team to discuss how they can promote to the rest of school the importance of being aware of environmental issues.

 As the worldwide interest in tackling climate change develops further, we will continue to adapt the Fourfields curriculum to reflect changes and developments in the field.