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Fourfields Community Primary

Our Governing Body

What is a Governing Body?

The members of the governing body are the strategic leaders of the school and have a vital role to play in making sure every child gets the best possible education. The purpose of the governing body is to 'conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement'.

The governing body has a strong focus on three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos, and strategic direction for the school
  2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.

The governing body members have the experience through their professional capacity to support and monitor the above core functions. Governors are selected and appointed on their skills and experience and training is available to gain new skills as well as to enhance existing ones.  On a regular basis we conduct a skills audit to identify any gaps which are addressed.

For more information on the role of a governor please click HERE.

Meetings generally take place on a Wednesday at 6.30pm and are agreed at the beginning of an academic year for the whole year.

To read the Annual Governance Statements, please see below:

Annual Governance Statement 23/24

Annual Governance Statement 22/23

For more updates and news about our Governing Body please take a look at our regular Fourfields Informer Newsletters. These can be found in our Latest News section on our website.

Members of Fourfields Governing Body

Clerk to Governing Body: Mrs Clare Watchorn.

To find out more about each of our governors, please click on the names below. 

  • Louise Evans
    Chair of Governors
  • Leah Wiles
    Vice Chair of Governors & Chair of Resources Committee
  • Luke James
    Co-opted Governor & Link Governor for Health & Safety
  • Mark Bowler
    Co-opted Governor, Chair of Standards Committee, Link Governor for PE & Sport Premium
  • Steve McGregor
    Co-opted Governor, Link Governor for Pupil Premium
  • Nicki Errington
    Parent Governor, Link Governor for SEND
  • Harriet Bowen
    Local Authority Governor, Standards Committee, Safeguarding
  • Sky Rudd
    Parent Governor
  • Ian Bowskill
    Co-opted Governor
  • Sue Blyth - Headteacher
    Ex-officio Governor
  • Clare Watchorn
    Clerk to Governors
  • Neil Coaten
    Staff Governor

Governing Body Information 2023-24:

Governing Body Attendance Register 2023-24:

Governing Body Attendance Register 2022-23:

Thinking about becoming a Governor?

Any parent or carer of a child on roll at Fourfields can serve as a governor, and there are no particular qualifications required for the role however, to promote greater diversity and equality on the governing body we welcome nominations from all minority groups to help our governing body to better reflect the needs of our wonderfully diverse school community.

If you would be interested in joining the governing body or wish to contact the governing body for any other matter, please contact the clerk Mrs Clare Watchorn at clerk@fourfields.cambs.sch.uk

Governor Leaflet

Governor Election Guidance

Declaration of Eligibility