How We Contact You
Parents / carers will be kept informed on school matters by letter, email, text, phone, apps and Facebook. Letters are also stored HERE on the school website for easy reference.
It is the school's preference to issue letters via email. Please advise the school if you DO NOT wish to receive letters electronically.
Texts will be issued for immediate or urgent communications such as a club being cancelled and school closures would be notified on the school website home page.
There will be an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher to discuss progress in the Autumn and Spring term and an interim report will be issued at the close of these terms. An Annual Report will be sent home at the end of the Summer term.
Newsletters & Questionnaires
Information on the curriculum is issued at a Year Group level every term and Mrs Blyth regularly shares news through 'The Informer' newsletter. Copies are retained on the school website HERE.
Parents are invited to complete questionnaires from time to time to provide the school with important feedback.
Important Notice
Please ensure you keep the school advised at all times with updated contact / emergency telephone numbers.
Please click HERE for the school's contact details.